Byron Miki Byron Miki

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is focusing one’s attention inwards. According to Erickson “hypnosis is a means of communicating ideas, a means of asking people to accept ideas and examine them, to discover the intrinsic meanings, and then to decide whether or not to act upon those particular meanings.” It is also a way of accessing parts of the mind other than the conscious mind i.e. subconscious or unconscious minds.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Ready to stop smoking? Many people are ready to let go of that old habit, now. Here are some of the orienting thoughts I use to help clients with this transition: Remember, you can quit at any time. While some go cold turkey others may tapper off. Either way works. Be flexible.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

Guided Meditation vs. Hypnotherapy

There is a place and time for both guided meditations and hypnotherapy. How to blend these and other treatments can be discussed with your therapist. Remember, the journey is not about efficiency or perfection, its more to do with progress.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Hypnotherapy

Some stress is common and healthy for all people. However, when stress increases in frequency and intensity, it may move out of a “safe” zone and quality of life can diminish. For some people, trauma can spawn a General Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

What Therapists Do and Don’t Do

There are some urban myths about therapists and especially hypnotherapists. The myths are centred around what a competent, skilled therapist can do on a consistent basis for most clients.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

Inspiration – The Key to Healthy Progress

Is life becoming a grind? Are you feeling overwhelmed by self-imposed obligations? Things need to get done but it feels like each effort is depleting you of energy, health and well-being. This is no way to live. Sure there are times when we all need to put our shoulder into it and really push. But these should be exceptions. When your life is so burdened and you are just putting in time, hoping that “someday” a break will magically happen and you will be set free, you are wasting your life.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

Using Hypnosis to Help with Memory Recall

Forget where you hid that important document? Where did you store that treasure? Seem to have misplaced that piece of jewelry? Troubles with your memory? This is a common problem. Many people know what it’s like to misplace something. Especially common items in common places.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

Hypnosis and Prosperity

You’ve got some dreams to make lots of money. You’ve even made some efforts and started your journey. But something is missing and you haven’t achieved your goals… yet. What’s going on and how can hypnosis help you?

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

Sports Psychology and Hypnotherapy

Sports psychology is usually important for elite and professional athletes. For these athletes, the primary objective is to perform at an optimal level.

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Byron Miki Byron Miki

10 Tips for Better Trance Work

So you’ve heard great things about trance. You may have watched a YouTube video or read a note on Wikipedia about hypnosis. How are some people getting such great results? What can you do to make your trance experience better?

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