Hypnosis and Prosperity
You’ve got some dreams to make lots of money. You’ve even made some efforts and started your journey. But something is missing and you haven’t achieved your goals… yet. What’s going on and how can hypnosis help you?
Your belief system is the most important key to you achieving the prosperity you desire.
Here are some beliefs that will definitely impede your prosperity plans:
I believe that acquiring wealth involves a struggle or effort
I believe I am not worthy of wealth or even happiness
I believe I am not worthy period
So many people have bought into some limiting beliefs such as:
“No Pain… No Gain”
“… You’ve got to work hard to get anywhere in life”
“I am helpless and I need the charity of others to carry me forward”
“I don’t deserve to have anything”
“I was born into a crappy situation and that’s where I’m going to stay… ‘cause my family before me have all been in this crappy situation and they didn’t get anywhere either”.
“There are limited resources and opportunities and there is just not enough to go around. So the likelihood of me getting some is slim to none.”
“The chances of me winning or being lucky is slim to none”
“Those other guys all failed and they are better than me. So I’ll fail too”
“I cannot choose what I’m going to think about or feel.”
“Money is dirty”
“Wealthy people are greedy and shallow”
If you hold any beliefs like those mentioned above, you will truly stunt your growth or worse, you may even accelerate your financial ruin.
The business world is full of contradictions. There are many success stories and even more failures. Why do some succeed and others fail?
Sure hard work and struggle can lead to success – temporarily. But, is your level of hard work sustainable or even desirable? One can question whether the end is even worth the effort. And this is why “hard work and struggle” is a temporary path to prosperity. It is simply exhausting to the point of personal damage. Damage to physical health, mental health and emotional health.
But what is at the heart and core of the truly successful individuals?
Ultimately, it is an evolved and refined belief system that is progressive and conditioned to hold better beliefs such as:
“I can, I must, I will”
“I can choose what to do and what to focus on”
I can choose the mood I want to be in”
I am surrounded by abundance.”
“The world is abundant. There is more than enough in this universe for all beings”
“I am attracting ideas, energies and materials that are aligned with my beliefs”
“I can change my beliefs.”
“I can change my actions”
“I can change my mood”
As you can see, these progressive beliefs have a different tone and flavour than the negative or limiting beliefs mentioned earlier.
The good news is: Beliefs can change. You can change them. There really is no limit to your ability to improve your beliefs.
Here is a really important key to prosperity: Once you have adjusted your belief system and you are wanting to achieve prosperity, gently begin to cultivate a mood of inspiration.
INSPIRATION – the key to prosperity. Of course the point of it all and the point of life in general for humans, is INSPIRED ACTIVITY.
Inspiration on its own is a good feeling but nothing will happen or change until some new force or activity is applied. Activity on its own is often simply a waste of energy. Combining the two into inspired activity is the key.
INSPIRED ACTIVITY is effortless. It is easy. Your endurance is much longer and stress is significantly reduced. It is progressive and solution oriented. It is creative and fulfilling. A life involving lots of inspired activity is productive. In this way, prosperity is the natural result.
So…. How does hypnosis fit into this picture?
Hypnosis is the most elegant and efficient way to let go of outdated and limiting beliefs. It’s also a great way to latch on to a new, progressive set of beliefs. Hypnosis can help build momentum. Once you start a path with inspired activity, keeping the momentum going is important. Hypnosis helps us get grounded, centered and able to feel inspired.