Using Hypnosis to Help with Memory Recall
Forget where you hid that important document? Where did you store that treasure? Seem to have misplaced that piece of jewelry?
Troubles with your memory? This is a common problem. Many people know what it’s like to misplace something. Especially common items in common places.
Where did I put my car keys? Where did I park my car?
There are things you can do to help in this situation.
Try less effort. Sometimes the more you try to remember, the harder it is to recall.
So relax and remember other things that are easier to access. What else were you doing around that time or place?
As you remember the other events or details of other activities, this will often stir up other memories and this will lead to clues regarding your original mystery.
Assume you will find the lost item. If you have doubts, your mind will focus on NOT finding the item. So think of reasons why you will find the lost thing. For instance:
There can only be so many practical locations.
It is only a matter of time before it turns up.
There are clues that you can use to help find the item.
Slow down the process. As you begin to reflect on the times and places related to the event, slow the memories down and let details populate your mind. This is how we nurture clues and helpful details.
Be methodical and thorough. As you physically begin to look for the item, take your time and check each possible place carefully. Do not tear through the locations with recklessness as this will scatter clues and details and may even cause the lost item to be accidentally moved to a new location.
Do not make huge assumptions about your possible locations. Especially… do not assume some places are not possible before you have thoroughly thought it through.
Working with someone skilled in this approach can increase your successes. Notes can be taken through this process and compared. Maintaining a methodical, relaxed mood can also increase endurance and decrease desperation.
It is possible that someone or something moved the item and it is no longer where you remember placing it. Effort to consider this may be made too. Ultimately, it is possible the item is lost for now. Working with a hypnotherapist can help deal with all these possibilities in a thorough, disciplined manner.