What do you call this feeling?
Suffering, in a rut, feeling empty or blue? People seek hypnotherapy for a number of reasons. Sometimes we can label these problems with well used words like: hurt, anger, sadness, loss. Often the words just don’t seem to flow.
The Benefits of Online Therapy
Is it difficult getting to your appointments? Many clients live too far away or are unable to drive to town for appointments. Some are ill and immobile. Others are just not ready to venture out of the house. For whatever reason, online therapy and counselling sessions are becoming more and more popular.
Gambling Addiction
The gambling industry continues to grow in Canada. Over the past few decades, progressive legislation has allowed legal gambling operations to explode into a multi-billion dollar industry employing thousands of employees coast to coast. For many, gambling is a safe, fun and occasional recreational activity. Unfortunately, for a portion of the population, gambling is now a very serious problem. Estimates are between 1 and 3 percent of the population has a gambling addiction. In Canada, that’s about 500,000 people.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Do you know anyone with a condition known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? It’s a low feeling that seems to occur each winter.
On Your Mark, Get Set, GO - It’s Time to Start
Are you an ideas person but not an action person? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions and haven’t moved on them yet. Are you a good planner but not so good at implementation? Or do you simply procrastinate?
Core Values
Values are the most important concepts in your world. They form the basis for what you believe is good and bad, right and wrong. If your values are violated, you will have a strong emotional reaction.
Stress Reframe: Make Stress Your Friend
If you are growing your business, working to deadlines and taking on challenges, then you are experiencing stress. And if you are in business and you’re losing market share, incurring losses and building debt then you also have stress. How can you avoid it, really? Business = Stress. Everywhere I look, people seem to be more stressed than ever.
Goal Setting – The Really Effective Way
To live a purposeful life, we must be able to imagine what we want to do and how we are going to achieve it. Efficient planning involves knowing what our target is. So we must ask: What do we want to accomplish? What is the desired end result? What is our goal?
Office Stress – Created To Get’er Done!
The Fight or Flight response is well researched and worth reviewing. First of all, this is an important self defense instinct. We respond to a stimulus to determine if it’s a threat. Our instinct to react protects us from possible danger. Nothing wrong with that. But… most office activities are not life threatening. At the office, we invent abstract, complex beliefs around business events. Then, we add heaps of drama to create urgency and importance. We imagine a poor performance as a threat to our reputation. We worry about job security or profitability. So we fight back. We fight an imaginary threat and we Get’er Done!
Success Starts with a Good Question
What’s the best question I can ask myself right now? That simple question can make all the difference in the success of your business. You are asking questions all the time.