Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Ready to stop smoking? Many people are ready to let go of that old habit, now. Here are some of the orienting thoughts I use to help clients with this transition:

Remember, you can quit at any time. While some go cold turkey others may tapper off. Either way works. Be flexible.

It helps to have a plan or strategy to quit. Here is one approach:

  • Create a strong set of reasons to quit (health, inconvenience, cost, etc.).

  • Leverage the two drivers: attraction to pleasure vs. avoidance of pain.

  • Create an inspiring vision of the future – see yourself as a healthy, wise, person who used to smoke and is now committed to health and well-being.

  • Create a set of negative associations to cigarettes and smoking. Imagine gross, repulsive images and sensations, in a playful manner.

  • Be willing to create lots of momentum, determination, and enthusiasm. Commit to making it through the first four days with sheer will power. Believe in your ability to transform.

  • Give allowance to rest, nap, drink lots of water, be active, and have fun.

  • Create a supportive environment. Surround yourself with beautiful pictures, sounds, aromas, comfortable clothing, laughter and warmth.

  • Practice strengthening a commitment.

Break the daily pattern.

  1. Start by taking ten comfortable breaths and while focusing on these breaths, allow yourself to relax and enjoy a moment of peace or tranquility.

  2. Notice any sensations, good or bad thoughts, feelings, ideas, pictures, and gently let them go.

  3. Repeat the act of letting go and enjoy even more relaxation, freedom and liberation.

  4. Gradually invite that inspiring vision of health, well-being, and prosperity.

  5. Repeat this intervention throughout the day- perhaps every hour on the hour or whenever an old trigger exposes itself.

Create a positive vortex upwards and onward.

  1. Commit to taking sensible and appropriate actions.

  2. Choose to notice any positive results, goodness, and beauty.

  3. Allow these observations to be a motivator to take even more sensible appropriate actions.

  4. Repeat.


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